On Tuesday 25th October 2022, a webinar on "Patent and trademark strategies for startups and SMEs entering China", which is jointly organized by SwissCham China, the SinoSwiss Technopark (SSTP) in Chongqing and Wanhuida Intellectual Property are held virtually via Zoom.
As a follow-up to this year's SSBICom (2022 Sino-Swiss Business Incubation Competition), the webinar is an IP knowledge sharing session for startups and SMEs interested in expanding to the Chinese market.
Wanhuida Partners Duan Xiaoling and Lei Yongjian speak on "Patent strategy & risk management" and "Trademark prosecution strategies" respectively. The event is moderated by Raphael Zumsteg-Yuan, Legal Manager of SinoSwiss Technopark and Southwest China Representative, SwissCham China.
The webinar attracts dozens of foreign corporate attendees.