On 30th August 2024, the Salon featuring “Overall Strategy and Best Practice over Affirmation and Enforcement of Trademarks” is held in Shenzhen. The event, which is jointly organized by Wanhuida Intellectual Property and in-house membership service vendor LCOUNCIL, is part of the serial events dedicated to celebrating Wanhuida’s 25th anniversary.
The event kicks off with the welcome remark of Jason YAO, Partner and Management Committee member of Wanhuida.
Jason YAO
ZHOU Bin, Wanhuida Senior Associate shares insights on “Corporate Trademark Enforcement Strategy: Well-known Trademark Perspective”. Ms. Zhou prepares the floor on the protection scope, parameters for the recognition of WKTM, and viable civil and administrative routes to secure the WKTM status. She then delves into the offense and defense strategy in various stages of trademark affirmation and the trademark infringement and unfair competition proceedings. Her presentation is concluded with a detailed analysis over the branding strategy and the multi-pronged approach in various trademark enforcement actions.
REN Yanfei, Senior Associate of Wanhuida, offers a systematic introduction on how to leverage administrative and civil proceeding in fighting copycat brands. Ms. Ren parses the approaches employed by the infringers in piggybacking on the brand owner’s goodwill and the available enforcement strategies. She underscores the tactics of combining trademark opposition, invalidation and cancellation proceeding with potent civil proceeding to eradicate prevalent infringement from a case law perspective.
REN Yanfei
Amelie CHEN, Brand Protection Manager, New Balance, shares best practice on “Securing Sizable Damages from Civil Proceedings”. Amelie dives into the details of 4 case laws to give the participants a vivid explanation on how to formulate and execute the best litigating strategy in fighting against copycats.
Amelie CHEN
XIE Yi, Legal Director, BAMA Tea, speaks on “Trademark Enforcement: A Corporate Perspective”. Ms. Xie reiterates the significance of proactively building the corporate trademark portfolio by registering defensive trademarks and creating a corporate trademark pool in countering bad faith trademark filings and registrations. She also shares tips in conducting effective trademark monitoring, vigorously maintaining the stability and legitimacy of trademark registrations and aggressively enforcing the trademark rights.
Jason hosts the Q&A session. He answers the questions raised by the participants and shares practical takeaways in navigating the quickly evolving landscape.
Jason interacting with salon attendees