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Wanhuida Partner speaks at UKIPO Seminar in Beijing

Time:Nov 01 2023

In the morning of 1st November 2023, the Seminar on “China’s 5th Trade Mark Law Revision”, which is hosted by the Intellectual Property Office of the United Kingdom (UKIPO), is held at the British Ambassador’s Residence.

The Seminar is kicked off by a moderator opening speech delivered by Samuel Stone, IP attaché to China, British Embassy Beijing. The event features thought-provoking discussions over topics including “Overall interpretation of the 5th Trade Mark Law Revision”, “Bad-faith Trade Mark Filings”, “Use Requirement”, “Suspension System”, among others. Oliver Morris, Interim Divisional Director, Trade Marks & Designs Examination, Legal & Practice, UKIPO and Bridget Rees, Interim Deputy Divisional Director, Hearings and Practice, UKIPO share insights on “UK’s Practice on Bad-faith Trade Mark, Use Requirement and Suspension”.

Lei Yongjian, Partner of Wanhuida Intellectual Property, speaks in the capacity of panelist in the “Panel discussion and Q&A” section. Fellow panelists include UKIPO representative, CITMA (Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys) representative, Michael Yu, North Asia Brand Protection Head, Unilever, just to name a few.

Lei Yongjian (R1)